New Music Monday: The Word

Recently, I was studying the creation of the world in Genesis and I had some new questions I had not considered before. What if the creative periods of the earth offer us an eternal pattern of growth? What if there are sequential steps of progression that all life needs to pass through, including us? If so, what stage am I in? Are there slow and steady footholds I take through the course of my life and/or a repeating pattern that occurs over and over again?

First Day:

Gather unorganized matter, select what you want to keep, break off those parts you don’t want, and then mold together the rest through intense heat and pressure. Separate the darkness from the light.

What beliefs do I choose to take in, to become part of who I am, and what thoughts do I choose to throw out?

Second Day

Separate and define the solidness of the earth from the fluidity of water and air. A balance of firmness and flexibility. Create space.

When do I need to be firm and steadfast? When do I need to be flexible - to surrender?

Third Day

Plant seeds, nurture and grow life, bear fruit.

If I know what thoughts I want to keep and how to navigate using them in situations (firm or flexible), how do I nurture those patterns daily through habits? What does my fruit look like? Is it good? Have I chosen productive thoughts to nurture?

Fourth Day

Surrounded with bodies of light to orient and measure the path of the earth. The placement of the earth in relation to the sun, moon and stars was also critical to sustaining life on the planet.

Am I surrounding myself with influences that will help me maintain a life of joy and growth?

Fifth Day

Other forms of life that can act, rather than just be acted upon.

Am I taking ownership and accountability for my life? When things don’t go they way I hoped or expected, do I act like a victim or take action to make something positive out of the situation?

Sixth Day

Creates man and woman in His likeness.

Do I look and act like a child of God? Does my life point others to Jesus Christ?

Seventh Day


Do I take time to step back and rest, evaluate, and enjoy the fruits of my labors? Do I take the opportunity to learn from my successes as well as my failures?